A river access point is completed.
In order to expand classes and offerings on the West Fork River, such as canoeing and kayaking, two river access points were completed through a partnership and generosity of BHE GT&S, a Berkshire Hathaway Energy Company. The upper access point it located near the West Virginia State Fire Academy. The other lower access is near the Monroe Council Circle. The two ramps are made to create a better experience for kayaking and small boats for 4-H campers and visitors alike.
Learn more about the partnership to add river access ramps for safer outdoor recreations here.
The Tango Tower is built.
The Tango Tower, a climbing tower, is another element added to the outdoor education and recreation programs. It is located near the yurts, the lower river access and Monroe Council Circle. Experiential Systems, Inc. constructed the tower. The tango tower is a six sided tower with high ropes elements. The tower includes various ways to climb the 50-foot-tall tower, including cargo nets, climbing walls and other hanging and fixed elements to help climbers reach the top. Participants can repel or climb down. It features the “flying WV” of West Virginia University and the 4-H clover in parts of the climbing elements.